Faculty/School regulations
Internship Management Application: [selection of field]
ECTS credits
30 credits
- Internship I (12 ECTS, 5th semester) [course guide]
- Internship II (18 ECTS, 8th semester) [course guide]
1. Regulations
2. Organisation
2.1 Prerequisites
- Internship II: Internship I
2.2 Calendars
- Internship I: [2024/2025 calendar]
- Internship II: [2024/2025 calendar]
3. Host schools
- Host schools Internship I (2024-2025)
- Host schools Internship II (2023-2024)
- Autorisation for the election of the centre
- Acceptation letter for the centre [Catalan] [Spanish]
4. Information for the tutors
5. Documentation
5.1 Internship I (in Spanish)
- Annex 1: Student worksheet
- Annex 2: Training project
- Annex 3: Plan about internships
- Annex 4: Self-assessment of trasnversal competences
- Annex 5: Internships diary
- Annex 6: Tutoring sessions in group
- Annex 7: Valuation of the tutor of the center
- Annex 8: Valuation of the academic tutor
5.2 Internship II
- Annex 1: Student worksheet
- Annex 2: Training project
- Annex 3: Plan about internships
- Annex 4: Development of transversal competences
- Annex 5: Field diary
- Annex 6: Preparation of the oral exhibition
- Annex 7: Tutoring sessions in group
- Annex 8: Self-assessment of the learning process
- Annex 9: Valuation of the academic tutor
- Annex 10: Evaluation tutor/professional of the centre